Our extra virgin olive oil

From a health point of view, extra virgin olive oil is the most important component of the Mediterranean diet, and in terms of flavour, Tuscan olive oil is one of the most appreciated in the world.  This is due to a combination of climatic conditions, production areas, traditional cultivation methods and a rich genetic heritage that has developed over time. This fortunate combination has given Tuscany a rich biodiversity, expressed in 119 different varieties of olive tree (www.maestrodolio.it ).

Das toskanische Olivenöl lässt sich mindestens bis ins 7. Jh. v. Chr. zurückverfolgen, erlangte aber erst im Spätmittelalter durch die Förderung des Olivenanbaus in der Toskana unter der Herrschaft der Medici wirtschaftliche Bedeutung. Die Ausdehnung des Olivenanbaus setzte sich bis zum Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts fort.

Extra virgin olive oil from Oliveta della Torre

Oliveta della Torre has two olive groves with 700 certified organic olive trees, which produce about 1100 litres of olive oil a year. The olive trees, of the varieties Frantoio, Pendolino, Moraiolo and Leccino, cover an area of 3.5 hectares, facing north-south and south-southwest, at an altitude of 280 to 300 metres above sea level.

Our extra virgin olive oil has an intense green colour when freshly pressed, turning golden with age. It has a medium fruity aroma and a pleasantly spicy, slightly bitter taste with fine herbal notes.

Oro della Torre BIO

Tuscan blend from early harvest (mid-October), when polyphenols are most intense. For discerning palates. Available in half-litre tinplate bottles.

Olio EVO Oro della Torre Bio
Olio EVO Nobile della Torre

Nobile della Torre

Tuscan blend from late harvest (mid-November), dedicated to more delicate palates. Available in half-litre and one-litre tin bottles.

From field to table

We practice artisanal olive growing, where we directly control the entire processing chain, under the mottofrom the field to the table”. In this way, we guarantee maximum quality control throughout the year: from tending the olive groves in spring to harvesting and pressing the olives in autumn, from bottling and labelling the olive oil at the beginning of winter to the sales campaign that lasts from December to September of the following year.

From the field to the table” is not only our motto, but above all our promise of quality.

What our customers and partners say

Graziella, 2022

My visit to Oliveta della Torre was an unforgettable experience. I was able to take an active part in the harvesting of the olives under expert guidance and to follow the whole process up to the pressing stage.

The collaboration gave a special touch to the visit and the subsequent tasting of the freshly pressed oil was a highlight. A unique opportunity to experience the world of olive oil at first hand!

Oliveta della Torre’s Tuscan organic extra virgin olive oil is characterised by its fruity and intense flavour. It often has aromas of fresh grass, artichokes and green tomatoes. The characteristic peppery aftertaste indicates the high quality of the oil.

Eva Vogel degli Esposti

I love this Tuscan oil, the perfect acidity, not too strong but spicy and perfect for everything from “bread with oil” to special dishes. I’m happy to sell it in my shop. Beautiful bottles, perfect for a healthy and good gift.